Student Chapters

ARMA is committed to building the technical and scientific knowledge base in rock mechanics and geomechanics and to ensuring wide acceptance among current and future researchers and practitioners. Strong student membership ensures continuity. Student chapters on campuses of affiliated educational institutions empower students to participate in activities that address issues, challenges, and opportunities related to ARMA’s mission.

ARMA has seen rapid growth in the number of chapters worldwide, and that number continues to expand. Chapters have engaged in a range of activities, including student competitions, webinars, student-mentor interaction, field trips, and professional development assistance. Some have created websites for members, sponsors, and the general public. In addition, an ARMA Student Council was created to provide liaison with the ARMA Board, to sponsor intra-chapter events, and to ensure effective communication and sharing of experience among member chapters.

List of ARMA Student Chapters, as of 30 June 2023 (PDF)

Forming an ARMA Student Chapter (PDF)

Maintaining status as an ARMA Student Chapter (PDF)

Sample bylaws of an ARMA student chapter (PDF)

ARMA membership discount for student chapters

ARMA is pleased to offer a substantial discount on the annual membership fees to students who are members of active ARMA student chapters. To obtain a chapter discount code for ARMA membership, student chapter officers can contact ARMA by email to Please include the name of your academic institution and your position in the ARMA student chapter in the email. Please also CC your request to the faculty advisor(s) of the student chapter and/or an ARMA representative who can verify the active status of your student chapter. Instructions for applying the chapter discount code to register as a Student Member of ARMA, or to renew an existing membership, will be provided by email.

ARMA Student Council (PDF)

ARMA Student Chapter Grant Program (PDF)

ARMA Student Chapter websites