Welcome to ARMA!

Welcome to the American Rock Mechanics Association. Your confirmation email is on its way! If you do not see it within a few minutes after registration, please check your spam folder. The confirmation email includes a computer-generated password for your first login. Your username for your new member account is your email address.

You can change the password in your Member Profile when you sign in. Please take this opportunity to review your profile information and preferences for inclusion in our member directory and make corrections if necessary.

If you need help or have questions, please contact us on this website or email support@armarocks.org.

If you paid by credit card, the renewal date for annual membership is one year after joining. Lifetime membership does not expire. You can review your membership level, and if applicable, renewal date, in your member profile.

If you selected to pay offline, kindly note that payment must be received before you gain access to all member benefits. After payment is processed, an account administrator will update your member account.

To pay by check, please make check payable to “ARMA” and mail to Eric Gustafson, ARMA Executive Director, 12100 N Pecos St., Suite #220, Westminster, CO 80234. Please reference your member registration in the memo line of your check. For other payment options, please contact Eric Gustafson, +1.303.254.8681, info@armarocks.org.

Once again, welcome and thank you for your support of ARMA!