Member benefits

  • Community

    Network with colleagues, peers, ARMA Fellows, and other members of the rock mechanics / geomechanics community during ARMA meetings.

    Interact with academics and practitioners from civil, mining, petroleum, and other disciplines, to share information and develop interdisciplinary knowledge.

  • Impact

    Lead technological development and impact societal changes by serving on ARMA technical committees and working with the ARMA Foundation.

    Present to peers at ARMA symposia and workshops and publish papers in proceedings to share research results.

  • Access

    Receive subscription to ARMA Letters and opportunities to publish editorials and articles on developing ideas and case studies in this thrice-yearly peer-reviewed publication.

    Use personal login for access to the online ARMA directory, discussions on the member forum, and all other member-only content on this website.

  • Discounts

    Add ISRM membership to an individual or lifetime ARMA member account at no extra charge.

    Receive member discounts for publications from ARMA, ISRM, and selected professional journals.

    Register for the annual US rock mechanics / geomechanics symposium and other ARMA and ISRM meetings at reduced member rates.